27 November 2014

6 etsy stores you should know about

I'll admit it, Etsy is somewhat of a love child of a craft fair and the TJ Maxx shopping experience. 

Everything's homemade but you have to hunt like crazy to find something you'll actually end up buying. While I used to not be so gung-ho on this whole idea because most of the Etsy stores I browsed I classified as bad design, bad logos, and cheesy products... once I spent a little chunk of time hunting down some decent priced, gorgeously made and highly reviewed products, my mind is a bit changed this time around. Just in time for the holidays this year I've fallen in love with some of these Etsy shops and I thought I'd share some shops that fit the bill and have high marks from me when it comes to the crafty things they sell.

Oh My Deer: Can I ever get enough of hand calligraphy, brush strokes, lettering, and quotes? NOPE. This store is the product of a girl named Chelsea that has the talent and time to produce things that I can only think up in my imagination. I love her choice of quotes and can't help but visualize so many of these pieces of art hung up in my home.

Casa and Co: I know you'd think that someone that spends upwards of 50 hours a week designing things would get sick of designing by the weekend or at least spend a solid 8 hours of sleep each night dreaming of things that aren't comprised of color palettes, craft store items, and typography... but nope, you'd be wrong. I indeed have had dreams of having a business of making trendy pillow covers but am sad to report that my Google findings have left me allowing the pillowcase gods that be (aka Casa and Co) to take the reigns for the time being. I can't get enough of this Etsy shops simple, homey, and plain look that can suit so many different home decor styles. And yes, it's converted me into being a strong believer in decorative pillows.

Love Maude: I can't say that my recent obsession with small embroidered designs will get me very far, as my style of home decor isn't all that cohesive with these boho designs, but I can say my friends will be seeing a wealth of these little creations pop up in their lives. I can't handle how beautiful these are and having just ordered my first hoop, the sweetest woman is behind the shop and that alone makes me love supporting small businesses like these.

Press Bound: So, I've been sucked into letterpress printing and it's a never-ending trap that I can't get out of. Help! I just can't bring myself to see as much beauty in flat printing anymore, and my wallet isn't thanking me that's for sure. I love this desk calendar with different folk art inspired designs on each month. The color palette is on point as well, might I add.

Quail Lane Press: I am just in love with the detail and tactile quality about these maps, not to mention I totally dig the muted and earthy (yet sometimes bold) colors they chose. Idea for travelers out there: gather up a few of these maps with places that mean something to you and make a wall art display out of them. Then, I'll just vicariously live through you and your rad wall art.

Pommes Frites Candle Co: If you haven't seen these candles around, you've been living under a rock. I finally found the origin and the only thing I hate, is that I can't smell them through my computer screen. Totally obsessed with the rustic, organic feel to them and the simple packaging they chose. I'll be stocking up on these come the cooler months, don't you worry.

PS My sweet little blog readers, it's been so long. I've missed you. Happy Thanksgiving!

13 October 2014

creativity in review / 4

Six things I've been crazy about lately that I thought you may love too: 

Candle Designs: Is it just me or are there always far too many candles on Pinterest with the cutest labels? Trust me, my mind has dreamed up ideas for starting a candle business, that's how much I've been obsessed with the graphics on candles these days. I already love candles far too much, this doesn't make things any easier. 

Christopher Poindexter's Poetry: I am guilty of spending hours last night looking up this guys poetry. He is absolutely genius. (I even searched Etsy for typewriters.) Come to find out, he also has an Etsy shop where he sells his poetry written with a typewriter on different types of paper, the perfect gift for a significant other or just to frame and hang in a small space needing some love!

Flower Marts: Gosh, the biggest fault of Pinterest is how much it makes me believe that everyone's home has vases of gorgeous flowers sitting on every table. And how much it makes me want my place to be covered in flowers. The LA flower mart is calling my name. 

Revlon Colorstay Nail Polish: The exact color on my nails right now. Lord knows I don't need any more nail polish, but there were far too many gorgeous colors with this line, and the price is ridiculously reasonable. I stocked up on some light pink, bright purple, light grey, and deep purple, no regrets. 

Marbled Patterns: Gosh, I want to make my own marbled paper so badly. Add that on my to-do list right under making my own screenprinted pillows. I used to think they were ridiculously overpriced, but lately I just can't get over the different contrasting colors and metallics added in there. 

Homemade Meringue: A little while ago I went out to dinner and ordered a meringue and fruit dessert... probably one of the best things I've ever eaten. Ever. Worth eating dessert even when I was already far too full. Now it set me on this phase of wanting to be an expert at making meringue so I can make my own desserts. Just call me Betty Crocker.

Source: Pinterest

23 September 2014

september moodboard: flowers + sunshine

Lately, life has been crazy (clearly). In the best kind of way, though. I finally got into a rhythm, a good groove, that took a couple months to find after graduating. I'm in the perfect groove of creating, working (doing what I absolutely love), and balancing commitments and a much smaller social life (God knows you need it after 4 years of college chaos). Some days are strange and I feel weirdly out of my element, but other days it's quite clear that seventeen years of education have been worth my while. Grad life has a way of doing that to you.
While I can't exactly say this summer has felt 'normal'... it has felt full of life and joy and new blessings, just in a new sort-of way. The end of this summer means stacks of my favorite decorating and design books, a new found quote pillow case obsession, pretty cosmetics packaging, my first 'big girl' designer bag, pretty heels, and lots of singing in the car during rush hour LA commutes.

Sometimes life doesn't turn out the way you planned, and sometimes it turns out exactly how you always hoped it would.

All photos found via Pinterest.